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Helping People Grow

Whether it’s in parkour, math, IT, or life in general, I believe that everyone has the potential to achieve their goals and dreams with the right guidance and support.

Karakour Nation  IT  Mathematics

Hire / Employ


My coaching journey began in 2004, when I joined the ANTL e.V., fostering appreciation for nature conservation among children. In 2008, I tutored peers in programming. My passion for empowering people really ignited when I joined SHARE and a parkour group in Arnhem. Since then, I explored divers coaching roles, from web development over guided bicycle repairs to parkour. Recognising the limitations of direct coaching, I shifted focus to scalable empowerment, scaling Karakour Nation and contributing to digital educational platforms that extend my reach in my fields of interest.

Currently, I aim to empower people through enhancing secondary math education by developing innovative learning solutions with a like-minded team. I also aim to empower people during daily encounters and through Karakour Nation.


    Specialisation:Environmental policy and economics
    Thesis:What determines the becoming of city environments – A case study about the requirements on Parkour spots
    Noticeable course:CPT-22306 Environmental Communication and Innovation



    After speaking Dutch since 2010, it feels like my first language.

    Exam subjects: Chemistry, Mathematics, German, Philosophy


    In 2005, I completed the courses “Kampagnenplannung in der Jugendarbeit” at the ANTL e.V., where I learned the basics of campaign planning such as design, analysis, target formulation, and development of an action plan.


    In 2005, I participated in the NUA-Seminar Nr. 43/2005 “Mit Kindern den Lebensraum Wasserskorpionen erkunden” about exploring the habitat of water scorpions with children.


    In 2004, I completed the courses “Grundkurs für Gruppenleiter” at the ANTL e.V., where I learned the basics of group leadership in youth work covering among other group dynamics, group processes, rights and obligations of a group leaders, getting-to-know and adventure games, and press and public relations.



    I coached people of all ages and levels in the art of movement, since 2013. I also help them develop their physical and mental fitness, confidence, and creativity. Currently, I focus on coaching people who are 18+, but put it on hold due to the focus on IT.

    Karakour Nation

    I provide individuals guidance in setting up WordPress and TYPO3 websites, maintenance, and learning basic skills.


    I helped fellow clasmates master the basics of Delphi, such as syntax, algorithms, and object-oriented programming.

    From 2003 till 2008, I volunteered at the ANTL e.V., where I helped children learn about the environment and water scarcity. With the ANTL-Youth, we build the ‘Blue Caravan’, an educational caravan for children to explore the habitat water. I also completed courses on group leadership and campaign planning in youth work.

    Back in 2007, I started my first educational website about beta sciences which got replaced with a website for Wageningen Parkour.

    I considered offering guided bicycle repairs where people learn basic maintenance and advanced repairs while maintaining or repairing their bike. I also considered offering coaching for dog and horse owners. However, I decided to focus on Math, IT, and parkour.